2025 Village Operating Budget Available to Review
GOLF MANOR (11/13/2024) – The Village Administrator and Fiscal Officer of the Village of Golf Manor have published the proposed Fiscal Year 2025 operating budget for review and approval by Council. The budget is available online here or by paper copy at the office of the Village Clerk at the municipal building by request.
Council will discuss and adopt this proposed budget on Monday, November 25, 2024 during their regularly scheduled Finance committee meeting at 6 PM and the full Council meeting at 7 PM.
Addressing Council
Individuals wishing to address Council should request to speak no later than 4:30 PM on the business day prior to a meeting by calling 513-531-7418 or by emailing info@golfmanoroh.gov and must attend the meeting in-person. Persons wishing to address Council or a Committee must provide their name, address, email address, contact phone number, and a description of the specific topic. You may speak on that topic for a maximum of three (3) minutes. If you have comments or questions to pose in advance of the meeting, send them in writing to info@golfmanoroh.gov.