Village Council and committee meetings are held to conduct the business of Council.
Meetings of the Village Council are conducted in-person at the Municipal Building at 6450 Wiehe Road. These are meetings of Council that are open to the public and usually streamed live and archived on the Village You Tube Channel. Note that Executive Sessions of Council, which may take place during meetings, are not streamed live. Also note that there may be technical or other issues that arise that may prohibit streaming these meetings.
(Click here to review the Village Calendar)
Addressing Council
Individuals wishing to address Council, or a committee, must request to speak no later than 4:30 PM on the business day prior to a meeting by calling 513-531-7418 or by emailing and must attend the meeting in-person. Persons wishing to address Council or a committee must provide their name, address, email address, contact phone number, and a description of the specific topic. You will be contacted in-person prior to the meeting to confirm that you have been placed on the agenda. If you have comments or questions to pose in advance of the meeting, send them in writing to
Council Committee Meetings
Residents are welcome and encouraged to attend any of the following official Village meetings. Council does observe a summer schedule, meeting once per month (June, July & August). Check the calendar for scheduled times. Council and committees do not meet on scheduled holidays.
- Executive Committee generally meets in Council Chambers at 6 pm on the second (2nd) Monday of each month.
- Finance Committee generally meets in Council Chambers at 6 pm on the fourth (4th) Monday of each month. Finance does not meet on the fourth Monday of December.
- Planning/Zoning Commission generally meets on the first (1st) Monday of every month at 6:30 pm when there is pending business.
- The Records Commission meets quarterly to develop and implement standards of records retention to ensure compliance with Ohio records retention laws with date, time and location generally announced in Council and published on the Village web site. Check the calendar for scheduled times.
- The Tax Board of Appeals meets as needed to review specific issues presented for review by the Tax Commissioner of the Village with date, time and location generally announced in Council and published on the Village web site. Check the calendar for scheduled times.