Planning Commission/Board of Zoning Appeals Hearings

Planning Commission/Board of Zoning Appeals hearings are held in Council Chambers at the Golf Manor Municipal Building, 6450 Wiehe Road and usually begin at 6:30 PM (EST/EDT) unless otherwise noted.

Hearings are open to the public and property owners 200 ft. in proximity of the property being reviewed who have received a letter of notification may sign-up at the meeting to address the Planning Commission regarding the requested variance.

Questions regarding hearings may be directed by email to the Village Administrator at

Hearing Date Property Owner/Requestor & Address Matter for Consideration Disposition
8/7/2023 Hannah Bohland

6327 Englewood Avenue

Variance request to build a 6-foot privacy fence around the rear of property at a corner lot.

Letter to adjacent property owners.

Denied 8/7/2023
5/1/2023 Malcom Tolliver

13517 Tyler Ave  Cleveland OH 44111

Zoning approval to change business use in the Business “A” Overlay district at 2198 Losantiville Avenue

Letter to property owners.

Denied 5/1/2023
3/7/2022 Moshe Fuchs

2336 Vera Avenue

Property owner is requesting a variance of the zoning code to allow a change in set back from the property line for a building addition.

Letter to property owners.

Variance Approved 3/7/2022
2/7/2022 David & Lillian Schwales

6222 Mayflower Avenue

Property owner is requesting a variance to the fence code to install a non-conforming fence on the property.

Letter to property owners.

Variance Approved 2/7/2022
9/7/2021 Sonia Mason

2435 Bremont Avenue

Property owner is requesting an after-the-fact variance to allow a fence that has been constructed without prior approval. The fence as constructed does not conform to the fence code.

Letter to property owners.

Variance denied.


2/1/2021 Tiffany McPherson

2700 Losantiville

Exterior modifications of commercial property located at 2700 Losantiville Ave. to accommodate a new business.

Letter to property owners.

Plans approved.


2/1/2021 Proposed Zoning Change A proposed zoning change to allow the installation of “Little Library” structures on residential property. Matter referred to Council Public Hearing on March 22, 2021 at 6:30 PM
9/8/2020 Abner Castro

6258 Elbrook Ave. –

Variance request for after-the-fact 6 – ft. fence and driveway built on the property. Driveway Approved 9/8/2020

Fence modified to meet code prior to hearing.

8/5/2019 Roger Bien

6514 Wiehe Rd.

Appeal hearing for a Notice of Condemnation served Continued to 9/3/2019

Continued to 10/7/2019

Property ordered uninhabitable and condemned.


6/3/2019 Nicholas Prues

2522 Ardmore Avenue

Variance request to construct a fence on the property that does not comply with current requirements of the fence code. Approved


4/1/2019 Charles Chambers

2580 & 2600 Vera Avenue

Variance request to convert the lower level garage space in each building into additional living space. Continued until 5/6/2018 with requirements

Denied 5/6/2019


6:30 PM

Habitat for Humanity Variance request for building set back and covered parking requirements for new build at 2522 Bremont Avenue. Approved 9/4/2018

6:30 PM

Jeremy Rich

6343 Mayflower Ave.

Variance request for a fence that has already been constructed without an approved variance. The placement and height as defined by the fence code are in question as related to fences located on properties zoned Residential-A (RA). Continued until 8/6/2018

Continued until 9/4/2018

Approved with requirements




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