Volunteer Park
A family-friendly venue, Volunteer Park is located directly across from the Village Municipal Building on Wiehe Road. Amenities include a play set, picnic tables, walking trail, and spacious fields for family picnics or a quick game of soccer. The park is built on land that was originally owned by the Golf Manor Volunteer Fire Department and was sold to the Village for $1 in 1952.
Planting Donations
The renovation of the park over the past 10 years has resulted in the opportunity for individuals, groups and businesses to donate trees, perennials or other landscape planting materials to help beautify this space. Please contact the Village Administrator to obtain more information regarding participation in this program if you would like to make a contribution.
Chuck Harmon Field
Located at Volunteer Park is Chuck Harmon Field, recently renovated with the help of the Cincinnati Reds. Harmon Field is a recreational softball field dedicated to long-time resident Chuck Harmon, the first African American to play ball for the Cincinnati Reds. Great for casual play and leagues, contact the Village Administrator for availability.
Dennis Puthoff Memorial & Veterans Park
Located at 2631 Losantiville Avenue, this “pocket park” was built more recently as a tribute to respected long-time Mayor Dennis Puthoff and the many residents of our Village that have served their country honorably in the U.S. military. It’s a great place for quiet times, remembrance and people watching. It also houses our own community garden. Participation in the community garden is on a first-come basis. For more information, please contact the Village Administrator.
Memorial Bricks
Memorial Bricks are available for sale to be placed in the park in honor of resident’s military service. Please check with the Village Administrator to obtain more information regarding participation in this program.
Village Ordinance 931.01 establishes the following rules governing the proper use and protection of Village park properties:
(a) Public Meetings. No public meetings, assemblies, programs or picnics, except small family picnics, shall be permitted within the park property except with written permission granted as outlined in Rule (n).
(b) Concerts. No person shall play upon or operate any musical instruments or hold any musical concerts on or within the park property, except with written permission as provided in Rule (n).
(c) Damage. No person shall take, carry away, disturb, molest, destroy, mar, deface, mutilate, mark or damage signs, equipment or any other property within the park.
(d) Refuse. No person or persons shall drop or throw paper, lunch boxes, refuse or litter on or within any park property except in receptacles provided for such purposes.
(e) Ballplaying. No person shall be permitted to play adult hardball or softball within the park.
(f) Animals. No person shall take any animal into the park property except on a leash.
(g) Firearms. No person shall carry or discharge firearms, slings, bows or throw stones or other missiles or projectiles, or discharge or use any similar weapon or device within the park property. (h) Fireworks. No person, except with written permission as outlined in Rule (n), shall discharge or display any fireworks within the park property.
(i) Gambling. No person shall gamble or play any game of chance for stakes on park property.
(j) Bicycling, skating and skateboarding are hereby prohibited.
(k) No unauthorized vehicles are permitted within the park area. Authorized vehicles include municipal vehicles, service vehicles and maintenance vehicles.
(l) Park hours are 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. daily unless earlier restricted or extended by order of the Mayor for public safety or specific events.
(m) Use of the recreational facilities within the park shall be open only to Golf Manor residents and their guests.
(1) Any permission required to be granted as an exception to any rule herein shall be obtained from one of the following:
C. Village Administrator.
(2) Park property shall be defined as all Village owned property designated by Council to be used for recreation purposes.
(o) No person shall consume or possess alcoholic beverages except with written permission as provided in Rule (n).