If you plan to be away from home for any extended period of time, the Golf Manor Police Department (GMPD) encourages you to notify them along with your neighbors. Also notify the police if you have any type of alarm system or guard dog in your home or business.
A premium service offered by the GMPD is “Vacation Watch” – house checks as a complimentary service to the residents of the Village who will be away from their homes for an extended period of time. Once notified of your absence, our officers will periodically check your property while you are away.
Here’s how it works: officers will visually and physically inspect the perimeter of the home, noting what they observe. If everything is in order, they move on. If not, any irregularities will be noted and investigated with appropriate action taken if necessary. The resident will then be notified, so please be certain to provide accurate contact information so we can advise you or your contact designee of the situation. An additional service provided is notification via text message as checks are performed (not every check, but periodically).
To register, Vacation Watch forms may be obtained by clicking here, picked up from the Police Clerk or completed over the phone. You may return the completed form in person or email it to the Police Clerk at pdclerk@golfmanoroh.gov.
Information collected includes:
- Property address
- Dates the home will be empty
- Contact information including resident or contact designee’s mobile telephone number
- Any key holder name and mobile telephone number of who may respond in the event of an emergency
- Any lights left on or cars left behind including a key holder who may check on the house, get mail, etc.
- If mail or newspaper delivery is stopped.
This program provides extra security in our neighborhood to look after the homes of residents who are on vacation – an all too common target for burglars. It also provides you, the homeowner, extra peace of mind so you can focus on enjoying your time away, having a successful business trip, or whatever takes you away from the Village, instead of worrying about how things are back at your house. If you have questions about the Vacation Watch service, please call the GMPD business line at (513) 531-3108 during regular business hours.