Englewood/Canterbury Road Project 2023

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Englewood/Canterbury Road Construction Project Approved by Council

Letter to Englewood & Canterbury Residents

Golf Manor (7/15/2023) – The project is complete.

Golf Manor (6/2/2023) – Update: The final course of asphalt has been installed.

Golf Manor (5/31/2023) – Update: Construction is moving at a brisk pace this week, far ahead of the original construction schedule.  The first layer of asphalt has been installed. Adjusting utility access and any full-depth repairs will take place followed by the final course of asphalt. Curbs and driveway aprons have been completed. Sidewalks have been restored from the GCWW project earlier this year.

Golf Manor (4/21/2023) – Update: Concrete curb installation on the North side of the road will begin next week.  Curb work will begin Monday May 1st at 7:00 AM and will be progressing throughout the week.  Please have all vehicles out of your driveway by 7:00 AM.  There will be parking allowed in the east bound lane (the south side in the no parking zone).  Once the curb is poured the concrete will need to harden prior to driving on it.  During the evening hours you may park in the west bound lane (north side of the road).  However, please be mindful work will resume the following morning at 7:00 AM.  You may resume parking in your driveway once a clear path of access has been installed to your driveway and the cones have been removed.  Any damage to concrete encountered from driveways being accessed to early will be repaired at the home owner’s expense.

As always, this work is weather dependent but we will do our best to continue to move forward.  We truly appreciate your cooperation with this matter.

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact John Ballauer with Rack & Ballauer Excavating at 513-738-7000, Ext 20.

The Village of Golf Manor has contracted with Rack & Ballauer, a professional road construction contractor who specializes in road improvement projects. The contractor will directly notify residents and businesses of any disruptions in traffic or parking as the various phases of the project are carried out. Every effort will be made to ensure you have access to your driveway as the project proceeds.

Estimated Construction Schedule*

Activity  Anticipated Dates
Storm sewer facilities 6/5/2023
Curb, walk & driveways, curb ramps 6/12/2023
Pavement planing 9/25/2023
Intermediate course 10/2/2023
Surface course, pavement markings, rejuvenator 10/9/2023
Final restoration, punch list 10/23/2023

*Although every effort will be made to follow the proposed schedule, weather conditions and other factors unforeseen may cause delays or require adjustments in timing.


Contractor – Rack & Ballauer John Ballauer, Project Manager 513-738-7000 x20
Golf Manor Public Works Manager Jim Puthoff j.puthoff@golfmanoroh.gov  513-800-6158


The Canterbury/Englewood Improvements Project is jointly funded by the Village of Golf Manor and from a grant and interest-free loan provided by the OPWC (Ohio Public Works Commission).

Appendix B

Local Subdivision Contribution, Disbursement Ratio, Project Financing and Expenses Plan 

  • OSGCIP/Local Subdivision Participation Percentages: For the sole and express purpose of financing/reimbursing costs of the Project, the estimated costs of which are set forth and described below, the Recipient hereby designates its Local Subdivision Percentage Contribution as amounting to a minimum total value of 51% of the total Project Cost. The OSGCIP Participation Percentage shall be 49 % not to exceed 212,640.
  • Project Financing and Expenses Scheme: The Recipient further designates the Project’s estimated financial resources and estimated costs certified to the OSGCIP under this Agreement for the Project to consist of the following components:
Project Estimated Costs
a)    Engineering                                                                                53,000
b)   Construction Administration                                                            0
c)    Right-of-Way                                                                                        0
d)   Construction                                                                             380,960
e)    Permits, Advertising, Legal                                                              0
f)     Construction Contingencies                                                             0
Total Estimated Costs                                                                                      $433,960
Project Financial Resources
a)    Local Resources
In-kind/Force Account                                                                      0
Local Revenues                                                                        221,320
Public Revenue – ODOT/FHWA                                                     0
Public Revenue – OEPA/OWDA                                                     0
Public Revenue – Other                                                                    0
Total Local Resources                                                              221,320
b)   OSGCIP Funds                                                                         212,640
Total Financial Resources                                                                                                                 $433,960


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