2020 Census Participation Significance

Dear Golf Manor Residents:

As your Mayor I’m making a personal request that you participate in the 2020 Census. I want to emphasize the importance of your participation, and to encourage you to spread the word through conversations with your neighbors and friends in Golf Manor. Please read this letter all the way through, to ensure that you have as much detail as possible about why it’s important to participate and how. 

Census participation is particularly important in our community because it guides how much Federal and State funds we receive in our area. When times are tough, local governments can help better promote the general welfare of their communities when those in their communities have been accurately counted. Things like funding for roads, housing improvement programs, programs to assist families and children — even the number of metro bus stops we have in the Village — are all guided by the census results. That’s why it’s important that every adult, teenager, and child in Golf Manor gets counted during the 2020 census. 

The next census won’t be until 2030, so make sure not to miss this one! It’s so important that everyone gets counted! Households began receiving information from the U.S. Census Bureau by mail back in March with details on how to participate. Completing the census takes about 10 minutes, and you have 3 different options available for you to do it: Online, by Phone, or by Mail.

I know it’s shocking to learn that not everyone reads the Mayor’s Blog, but it’s true, so I really need your help spreading the word about the census. Please tell your Golf Manor friends and neighbors about the census sign competition and the importance of participating in the census. 

It is an honor to be your Mayor. Thank you for reading this, and for your assistance spreading the word about the importance of census participation this summer! 

Stefan C. Densmore  

Mayor, Village of Golf Manor, OH

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